If life doesn't offer a game worth playing, then invent a new one.”

The Milkman

CRank: 6Score: 27160

I think everyone should listen to both sides of the story. Skip to the part near the end if you just wanna hear what they say about HipHop gamer. I like the HipHop gamer, but I dont think it would hurt if he changed some of the stuff he does.

5645d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

He can finally swim awesome. I just hope this one doesnt get as repetitive as the last one..

5645d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You know this game looks awesome. But if your like me and already play an MMO you kinda hesitate to play a different MMO. It's like you become more dedicated to one MMO the more you play it. I already pay monthly for one and put alot of work into it. So I personally dont feel like starting from the bottom again and paying more money to play another MMO.

Most MMOs take alot of time and dedication to get see some of the high ends of the game. Im not willing to switch or dedicate mys...

5659d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I found the online multiplayer on Halo 3 better. But I found the campaign funner then halo 3.

5685d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yea I see that now that you pointed it out to me. It's just the way most people I know use it around me. I mean honestly man I'm just posting on a topic here. I would understand your concern if I was writing something for the New york times or something. Anyway man thanks for that comment.. Maybe you should think about teaching for a university someday?

5692d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Even though hes not informed much.. He is doing a good job at getting support, and that's all that matters anymore. He managed to keep me into what he had to say though. At first I thought he was a joke, I'll keep it real with you. But some people you have to earn their respect. He has earned mine even though its probably not much. He has more promoting to do, and I got faith in him. You got to understand the dude is doing the best he can to entertain you and give you interesting news. Its ha...

5693d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I think the dude is just lame lol... "but the first and only time I killed a bystadard way back in GTA San Andreas, I actually felt bad!" Come on now if you seriously play GTA trying to avoid ever running someone over, or hit them in crossfire. You are a certified pikachu pillow hugging b&*^*! You yourself makes me wonder whats wrong with gamers today. Did you hold an ingame funeral for the first innocent person you killed in GTA?

5699d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I actually thought about this for awhile. This game is no different then some guys standing in the bar encouraging someone to rape an innocent girl. I wouldn't see anything wrong with this game being banned. Also that raises the question to me.. Why ban rape and not ban the ability to kill innocent people in video games. This issue bugs me because I love killing innocent people in video games lol.. But in real life I would never think to shoot a guy just walking down the street. Something is ...

5700d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

People fail to see that acts like this happen in porn all the time. Such as roleplay fetish of being raped etc.. If someone is into this kind of sexual entertainment they will find a way to satisfy that pleasure. It doesnt matter if its in a video game or in a movie. Even though the game is far from being moral to the majority of todays society. The game is rated adult and the name of the game says it all. So if you play the game you already know whats coming, and your just asking for it. You...

5700d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is just horrible who would even think about playing such a game? Anyone know where you could download it for free? Eh.... Ill just google it.

5703d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

For the people complaining about the disagrees... STFU and continue to post. Seriously who gives a @$#@ if they disagree with you. Not everyone is going to agree with you. People just do it for the hell of it sometimes. Especially if your comment is way off. You guys complaining about it annoys me way more that the people that disagree.

Anyway moving on here with the topic. The guys had good answers.. But I think they should always should try adding something different to a gam...

5703d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Listen being perverted is normal, I dont want to find adult games to jack off to though lol. I just want to play them because its interesting and sometimes it has alot of crude humor. I like to play all kinds of rated games. Adult games just catch my eye alot faster because they became kind of taboo in the game industry. You just dont hear about them as much. They just dont make as much revenue either.

5718d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agree on the fact that it seems that it is more westernized lol. I may let them getaway with it this time. But honestly the need to go back the their roots some. Like Silent Hill: Homecoming went too western also. Its like wtf is up with these developers? Because they are western that means that they have to make the legendary games a shoot em up f**ck fest? I dont want all western developers to limit themselfs to only one style of game. I seen Silent Hill hit the slums with that though. I ...

5719d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Maybe if they actually meant to have the game in 3rd person it would be ok. But I think the first person view is better for the most part. If they made another one, I think it would be cool to have switch to 3rd person while in the air sometimes. Maybe that would make the scene look even more beautiful. But they would have to do better job on the character model that's for sure lol. Flowing hair looks better then floating blocks. Also make the game longer then it was, because I beat it in 4ho...

5719d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Come on guys, are you serious? Dont tell me Im the only one that dont think its a big disapointment.. Me and my friend played the game together last night for the first time. I didn't have high expectations for the game at all. I didnt like the new atmosphere it seemed to put you in.

But as soon as I jumped in a room and tried the game with a friend. It just totally changed my thought about the game. It was realy fun to actually have to work together to take out the crazy Africans ...

5719d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is nothing in comparison to Little Big Planet lol..

5721d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I dont know about you but I'm the kind of person that likes the freedom to say whatever I want to say. So I dont like censorship at all, and the thought of someone eavesdropping on everything I say bugs me. I like my privacy and if you dont like what someone is saying then you should be able to just mute them. There is many ways to eliminate the problem of annoying people.

5763d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I just got my code. This is freakin cool for a free downloadable interactive community on your ps3.

5786d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wow Socom you are lame as hell. haha Trying to play like you got balls of steel. Tell your friend he has issues with his tough guy persona. Are you serious he cancelled his account!? You guys need to grow up and just ignore it if you dont like it. No one said you had to mess with the avatars. I hate fake tough guy attitudes like you. I wouldnt be suprised to see a marine with a sponge bob tatoo, and if anyone !@#$#@ him it would be their ***. Listen in the real world you dont have to play t...

5789d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Look Im not even going to talk about which console has bigger names... I'm just going to put it simple.... I play my Xbox 360 95% of the time, and ps3 5% of the time. Say what you want about the titles, or call it an FPS whore. I enjoy gaming on the Xbox 360 20x more.

5795d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment